Category Archives: Security

Take Note of this Phishing Mail

There is no specific season for scammers for to try to separate you from your hard earned money, but as we start getting closer to the holidays, expect to see more emails like this.

Protecting Your Computer and Personal Information

In today’s digital age, protecting your computer and personal information is not just wise but essential. Cyber threats such as malware, ransomware, phishing scams, and identity theft are on the rise, making it more crucial than ever to be vigilant. This guide will outline key steps to ensure your digital safety.

Hardening Windows Server

This guide is intended to provide basic systems administration instruction for hardening “out-of-the-box” installations of Windows Server.  Even though current versions of Windows Server provides a better security model than previous versions of Windows servers, the attack surface area can be reduced further.

Ease your paranoia

It will destroy ya. Anyone who works with technology for a living will tell you that most things on your computer can be discovered after the fact. This means that when you search for a file, connect to a network device, etc., all that information is stored somewhere.