IT Professional Achievements

I stumbled across a thread containing a bunch of gamer-style achievements for IT folks. Some are humorous, and there are those that you will silently nod your head and agree with.

CSS Template: Back To Basics

I was cruising through some old backups, doing some house cleaning, and I found a trove of old templates that fooled around with, way back in 2002. I thought I’d dust some of them off, and update them a bit. Yes, I have backups going back that far. There some stuff in there going back as far as… Read More »

Columbia SE

Columbia does one thing: ping hosts. It does it well, and the bonus is that you can ping groups of hosts all at once.

Show Seconds in Taskbar

By adding this DWORD value, you can add the display of seconds to the Windows 10 taskbar clock. You’ll have to restart Explorer in order for the changes to take effect.

Restart Windows Explorer

When performing certain operations, such as registry edits, you may be directed to restart Windows. However, some items only require the restart of the Windows Explorer process. Here’s how to do it.