This will allow you to compare times.

I noticed that there is a ‘Date’ type in VB, but no ‘Time’ type. So if you want to compare Dates you are fine, but for Time comparisons you are a bit stuffed. This is very simple and will allow you to convert times into numbers so that you can make easy comparisons with them.

VB6 Barcode Generator

This a Barcode generator with bar39 and bar128. THIS BARCODE GENERATOR IS SIMILAR TO INDUSTRY RENOWN PRODUCT ‘ACTIVEBARCODE’ IN FUNCTIONALITY. I’ve put detail description of how these codes are generated. If you are a beginner or a novice to Barcode, it helps you to understand the Barcode algorithms I’ve used. I’ve developed it from scratch. Now with these… Read More »

CMultiBits Class

CMultiBits is a class, with no dependencies, that handles bit manipulation in Byte, Integer, Long, Single, Double, Currency, Dates, and Long Arrays. (These are VarTypes 2 thru 7, 17 and 8195. The Long Arrays are in place of Decimals but can be expanded way beyond Decimal size. It should be noted that the class can only handle one… Read More »

IT Professional Achievements

I stumbled across a thread containing a bunch of gamer-style achievements for IT folks. Some are humorous, and there are those that you will silently nod your head and agree with.

JPEG Encoder Class

Save a picture as a baseline JPG file using only vb code. Open source, NO THIRD PARTY DEPENDENCIES, and as fast as typical commercial software when compiled. All JPEG compression code is contained in a single class that can be added to existing projects. There is also an Integer DCT version of this class written by Ron van… Read More »

Area of a Circle Calculator

This code allows the user to find the area of circle by clicking a command button and then typing in the radius of the circle. It is very helpful to anyone working on a calculator project. I am also coming out with area of triangle and square. Private Sub Command1_Click()    Dim Radius   Dim Area    Radius = InputBox(“Type In The… Read More »

Filename from Path

Given a fully qualified path and filename, returns only the filename. Module Function GetFileName(fname As String) As String    Dim i As Long     On Error Resume Next    For i = Len(fname) To 1 Step -1        If Mid(fname, i, 1) = “\” Then            Exit For        End If    Next i    GetFileName = Trim(Mid(fname, i + 1))End Function Usage Private Sub Command1_Click()    ‘ Good for removing the path    MsgBox GetFileName(“C:\Windows\System\moricons.dll”)End Sub