Set your signature in OWA

Ever get tired of adding a signature block to an email? Typing your name and other info every time you write an email? Here is how to get rid of that tedium with Outlook for the web.

Use PowerShell to see who Rebooted a Server

Let’s say one of the production servers got rebooted unexpectedly and you would like to find out who rebooted it and when the server got rebooted. In PowerShell, you can take a look at the event log using the PowerShell one-liner command shown below. You don’t need to write a bunch of lines in a script and then… Read More »

Connect to Network Printer via TCP/IP

Sometimes you are unable to connect to a printer via the print server. Maybe your driver is unavailable, or for some reason you may not have rights to print to that printer. You can bypass the print server, most times, and print directly to a network printer.

XPFrame User Control

XPFrame solves well known problem of standard frame’s behaviour with XP styles (see screenshot bellow). This control looks like .NET GroupBox under Windows XP or like VB Frame under early systems. Demo project is included.


Get information on the CPU using Active Directory ‘ Get a description of the processor using Active Directory” NOTE: requires a reference to the Active DS Type library Function GetCpuDescription() As String  Dim thisComputer As ActiveDs.IADsComputer  Dim thisService As ActiveDs.IADsServiceOperations  ‘ we need this object to retrieve computer name  Dim sysInfo As New ActiveDs.WinNTSystemInfo   ‘ retrieve the AD object corresponding to this… Read More »


Gets the handle of the window under the mouse cursor. Private Type POINTAPI  X As Long  Y As LongEnd TypePrivate Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib “user32” (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As LongPrivate Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib “user32” (ByVal xPoint As Long, _  ByVal yPoint As Long) As Long ‘ Return the handle of the window under the mouse cursor. Function WindowFromMouse() As Long  Dim… Read More »

Download File

Shows you a couple very easy ways to download files from the internet using the url. Uses api, no controls. You can download files, webpages ect.. If someone has right clicking disabled. Recovered from the remains of