Restarting the Print Spooler

The Windows Printer Spooler Service is a key operating system component that manages all printing on your computer. It is started when your PC boots and runs unattended, 24×7 as a Windows Service. The service runs inside a process called spoolsv.exe.

Email Like a Boss

Email is one of the most important (and most used) tools in workplace communication. Unlike talking directly in person or via video, emails don’t usually come with an immediate response and you can’t see the facial expressions of the recipient. This means you don’t know if your message is coming across in a confusing way or if your… Read More »

Ten Pitfalls to Avoid in IT Management

Are you looking to achieve success without experiencing the hardships and difficulties that often accompany it? This article aims to guide you towards reaching new heights by providing valuable insights to help you avoid career-damaging mistakes.

IT Alignments

Working with the IT department can be challenging.  Here are the different good and evil alignments that you may find familiar.

For Loop in DOS Batch

In batch scripting, you can use a for loop to iterate over a set of values or files. The for loop in batch files has different variations, such as for /F, for /R, and for %%variable. I’ll show you an example of a basic for loop using the for %%variable syntax.

Using @ in Batch Files

In a batch file, the at sign (@) is used as a prefix before a command to suppress its output from being displayed on the console. When a command is prefixed with an at sign, only the output generated by the command is hidden, while the command itself is still executed.

Using PowerShell to Work with Group Policy

Windows Group Policy is a powerful tool that enables administrators to manage and configure settings for users and computers in a network environment. PowerShell, on the other hand, is a command-line shell and scripting language that is built on the .NET framework. By using PowerShell, administrators can interact with Windows Group Policy and automate common tasks. In this… Read More »

Be Balanced, SysAdmin

Balancing system administration workload and priorities in a dynamic and changing context requires a combination of skills, tools, and strategies. Here are some tips to help you:

Using the Pipeline

PowerShell is a powerful scripting language that comes with Windows operating systems. One of its most useful features is the pipeline, which allows you to pass objects from one command to another. In this post, we’ll explore how to use the PowerShell pipeline to make your scripts more efficient and powerful.