Fractal Viewer

A simple fractal viewer.It plots the Mandelbrot Set at the desired size.All you need to do is open a blank form and paste the code in the editor. Original Author: Theo Kandiliotis Inputs none,but you can play around with some of the constants and variables on the code in order to produce different variations of the fractal. Assumptions the… Read More »

ActiveX UltraTimer Control (UPDATED) w/ SOURCE

The UltraTimer Control uses NO APIs. Just pre-set the total interval any where from 1 millisecond to about 24 days. Set the TimerMode to fire Periodic or One-Time timer events. Initial Interval is calculated in milliseconds and up to (59999ms), then combined with the Minute and Hour intervals for the total interval between calls to the control’s timer… Read More »

Disable/Enable CTRL+ALT+DEL

‘ This code disables/enabled CTRL+ALT+DEL pressing‘ To disable CTRL+ALT+DEL, call the function Disable_CTRL_ALT_DEL‘ To enabled CTRL+ALT+DEL, call the function Enable_CTRL_ALT_DEL Original Author: King Patrik the Zerg API Declarations ‘***************************************************************‘Windows API/Global Declarations for :Dissable / Enable CTRL + AL‘ T + DEL‘*************************************************************** Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib “user32” Alias “SystemParametersInfoA” (ByVal uAction As Long, ByVal uParam As Long, lpvParam As Any,… Read More »

Move Form without a Title Bar!

This code will allow you to move your Forms without even having to have a Title Bar! So this means if you choose to make your Form’s BroderStyle 0-None, which means no TitleBar, you will still be able to move the form with this code!You can do multiple things with this code also like: Clicking on the form… Read More »

Chat application

Create a simple chat application betweenany two computers whose IP addresses you know. The DEMO here shows how to chat with your own computer .you can substitute your own IP with that of another person’s IP and create a seperate EXE running on his computer to chat with him /herCOOL! Original Author: Vikramjit Singh API Declarations Code ‘Open a… Read More »


Converts a number of any base into any other base. For example, itcan convert a binary number into decimal, octal, hexadecimal, etc. andback again. This is an improvement over the previous version as it can nowhandle the ‘double’ data-type. (Very Large Numbers). It is useful forconverting DWords from the registry, etc. Original Author: Aidan Inputs 1. A Number to… Read More »

3D Soccer Field

A form that implements a soccer field you can move around in and a grid using line controls only. Perhaps a starting point for a soccer game application; if not, an illustration of how much one can do with line controls. Original Author: Alejandro Migoya Iriarte

Real-time fire (updated, 100 FPS)

This program simulates fire. I have seen other articles that simulate fire, but this one is extremely fast (95-102 FPS on my 366) and it uses some neat API calls that most programmers probably have never seen before. I uploaded this before, but it only worked if your computer was in 24-bit color mode. I have changed it… Read More »