
Allows the VB combobox to have a type-ahead feature like the combobox in Access.If there are any matching items in the combobox list, it will automatically“fill in” the missing portions of the item and select it.This will work for multiple characters, not just the first character of the string.*** This is an expanded version of the original code… Read More »

Change the Keyboard Speed and Delay

This code allows you to change the Keyboard speed (0 to 31) and delay (0 to 3).. useful in games or as an alternative to using the keyboard control panel. Original Author: Joshua Moore Assumptions In your own code use SetFastKeyboard() to change to your new speed and RestoreKeyboard() to change back to thier previous defaults. Side Effects On… Read More »

Split any file into smaller files

This code will read any large file and split it into smaller chuncks so you can copy to stiffy,e-mail or ftp it. This code is for you out there playing with file management etc. This code is very basic but it does some cool things. It will leave the source file and will create a bunch of smaller… Read More »


This code makes the form Tranparent but keep the OBJECTS visible.Orignally Written by Kalani COMModified by Satin Katiyar Original Author: Satin Katiyar Inputs Refrence to form & a array containing the objects to be kept Visible Assumptions User Must Know how to pass objects.The Example of use is as give below:Here We are assuming a command button having name… Read More »

* Ultimate Window Handler! *

This is the ultimate window handler. This can*Hide a window**Show a window**Minimize Window**Maximize Window**Close Window* Original Author: Matt Evans API Declarations Declare Function SendMessageByString Lib “user32” Alias “SendMessageA” (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As LongDeclare Function SendMessage Lib “user32” Alias “SendMessageA” (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As… Read More »

* Make Your Own *WAV* Player! *

This is the code to *PLAY*, *STOP*, and *LOOP* WAV files. Its really easy! even for a beginner! You can make your own WAV Player! Original Author: Matt Evans API Declarations Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib “winmm.dll” Alias “sndPlaySoundA” (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Public Const SND_SYNC = &H0Public Const SND_ASYNC = &H1Public Const SND_NODEFAULT =… Read More »

* Make your own Active X Binary Control!!! *

* This is the code to put in the General place of you UserControl. By Doing this you can make a Active-X control that Makes Text to Binary, Binary to Text, and to see if a string is Binary! * Original Author: Matt Evans Inputs Text to change Assumptions none!!! easy for beginners! Returns Changed text Code ‘enjoy! ;D… Read More »


Convert a database table to HTML Original Author: Vincent Zack Inputs DAO Recordset Object Assumptions A reference to DAO x.x Object Library Returns String Code Const T1 = vbTabConst T2 = T1 & T1Const TR = T1 & “”Const TD = “”Const TDEND = “”Const TABLESTART = “”Const TABLEEND = ” “Function HTMLTable(dbRecord As Recordset) As StringDim strReturn As… Read More »

Animated Glass Cube Effect using StretchBlt

This code animates a glass cube moving on a picture in real-time. Almost the same as that Windows 95 screen saver (the moving glass boll). I though this code can help make a screen-saver like that. (You have to e-mail me a copy of that screen-saver please) Original Author: Riaan Aspeling Inputs Create a new form. Place to picture… Read More »


How would you like to have your own About menu option on the little system menu on the top left-hand corner of your form. I whould , so I wrote a module to do it with one line of code from the Load event on my form. For this code to work you have to create a About… Read More »