
NetworkRoutines:DisconnectNetworkDrive, MapNetworkDrive,GetUserName,GetUNCPath, (Kenneth L. Rosenberg) Original Author: Newsgroup Posting API Declarations Private Declare Function WNetAddConnection Lib “mpr.dll” Alias“WNetAddConnectionA” (ByVal lpszNetPath As String, ByVal lpszPasswordAs String, ByVal lpszLocalName As String) As LongPrivate Declare Function WNetGetConnection Lib “mpr.dll” Alias“WNetGetConnectionA” (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, ByVallpszRemoteName As String, cbRemoteName As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function WNetCancelConnection Lib “mpr.dll” Alias“WNetCancelConnectionA” (ByVal lpszName As String,… Read More »


A short routine that backups the tables from an open Access databaseGeorge Kinney Original Author: Newsgroup Posting Assumptions Right now it is basic, it assumes that the tables to backup are in the local database (easily changed, just haven’t had a chance to do it.), and just exports EVERYTHING that isn’t filtered out. A number of improvements can (and… Read More »

LandMass – a random map generator

LandMass is based on the old Commodore 64 game “Lords of Conquest” by Electronic Arts. This game played a little bit like the board game Risk, only there were different playing pieces and –here’s the cool part– the playfield was generated randomly, so that no two games were the same. As it stands right now, LandMass simply generates… Read More »

Change Screen Color/Resolution

This code from PC Magazine (and it is FREE! Public Domain), will display available screen resolutions and color depths (4bit, 8bit, etc…) on a user’s computer. The best thing about this, is that the user can change the resolution. It will prompt the user to reboot, if needed. Notice that the List box highlights the current resolution when… Read More »

iPage 1.0(Bug Fixed)

This Program lets you chat in colorno rich text boxes required this Program usesPictureboxes to Display Messages. It Even letsyou send color faded messages also Bolded,Italic,Underlined,E|_?í_|_E(Elite),H4CK323D(Hackered),sdrawkcaB(Backwards),Echo cho ho o(Echoed),AlTeRnAtIvE CaPeD(Alternative Caps) and morefuture version can be expected in next monthwhich will have the ability to send files and imagesAnother Feature is that it lets you filter bad langugereplacing… Read More »

Copy a database table

How to copy a database table. This may require some tweaking….“Bill Pearson” Original Author: Newsgroup Posting Code Private Sub Form_Load()    Dim dbFrom As Database  Dim dbTo  As Database    Set dbFrom = workspaces(0).opendatabase(“c:vb4iblio.mdb”)  Set dbTo = workspaces(0).opendatabase(“c:vb4iblio.mdb”)    db_Copy_Tabledef dbFrom, dbTo, “Authors”, “CopyOfAuthors”    dbFrom.Close  dbTo.Close  End SubPublic Function db_Copy_Tabledef(dbFrom As Database, dbTo As Database,TableNameFrom As String, TableNameTo As String) As Boolean    Dim tdFrom    As TableDef  Dim tdTo     As TableDef  Dim fldFrom   As Field  Dim fldTo    As… Read More »

Check if dynamic array dimensioned already

Tells if a dynamic array has been dimensioned or not.Lu Original Author: Newsgroup Posting Code Function Member(ary$(), text$)  On Local Error GoTo MemberExit  For i = 1 To UBound(ary$)    If text$ = ary$(i) Then      subscript = i      Exit For    End If  NextMemberExit:  Member = subscript  End Function;========================================another possibility;Function ArrayElements(ary$())  elements = 0      On Local Error GoTo MemberExit  elements = UBound(ary$)MemberExit:  ArrayElements = elementsEnd Function

Create/Destroy User on Domain ( Administrating NT)

Create a new user and destroy an existing user on a Windows NT domain..When a user iscreated, I set him to be a member of Domain Users while you can specify that he goesinto Domain User, Domain Guests, Domain AdminsHong YAN Original Author: Newsgroup Posting API Declarations ‘Jeff Hong YAN 11/20/96 modified on 4/18/97‘This module shows how to create… Read More »

A puzzle. Add your own pictures.

A Puzzle. You can add your own pictures. When you have selected the picture and the pieces, you can start puzzling. Click on a piece to move it. When it’s in the right place, it will be fixed to the screen. Right-click to move a piece to the second screen. In the second screen, right-click again to move… Read More »

Internet Costs Controler

If you are an Internet Adicted, then this is a must-have for you!It controls your Internet Connection, cheking if your Online every secound.Remember to set Impulse Time and Cost before using the program, so that it can control the costs! Original Author: Pedro Lamas Attachments File Uploaded Size 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM 5907