The 15 minute WWW browser

It took Netscape months to create their first browser, and Microsoft wasnt able to follow up that trick until years later. But you can create a world wide web browser in less than 15 minutes, even if you are a Visual Basic novice! The following tutorial will show you how to create an Internet browser using the Microsoft… Read More »

An Othello Online Multiplayer Game

Play Othello Game in multiplayer mode with the TCP/IP or in local mode….Winsock and recursive code… Original Author: Jason Fleury Attachments File Uploaded Size 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM 14362


Here’s a simple application to function like the Windows Task Manager… Original Author: Found on the World Wide Web Assumptions Start‘ a new project and add the following controls to the form:‘ Control Name Caption‘ ———————————————————-‘ commandbutton cmdRefresh Refresh‘ commandbutton cmdSwitch Switch‘ commandbutton cmdExit Exit‘ listbox lstApp API Declarations ‘for 16 bit (VB3 and VB4-16) use these:Declare Function ShowWindow… Read More »

A CD-Player

A CD-Player with some functions and a cool form. This is a old code I programmed some years ago. A bit of the code is not from me. Original Author: Loreno Heer Attachments File Uploaded Size 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM 23042

Scroll a larger PictureBox inside a smaller one

This class module, complete with demo project, will allow you to easily scroll a large picture box inside a much smaller one. This can be extremely useful when space is something you have little of. Original Author: dcroft Attachments File Uploaded Size 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM 6277

Midi Input Recorder

NOW IT’S POSSIBLE ON VB!This code INPUTS MIDI DATA, and echo it to a selected midiOut device. Nothing more. If you are not interested in MIDI PROGRAMMING, my advise to you is that, do not waste your time with this.This was hard. BECAUSE: There is a callback function, which Windows calls many times during the recording. You can’t… Read More »

A Dancing Flame tester – Short Code but Cool!

This application will show a dancing flame. DANCING means the flame will beanimated. You can controll the flame. ENJOY IT!Short Code / Specially Cool! Original Author: Jongmin Baek Attachments File Uploaded Size 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM 35340


Prompting the User for a Directory in Win95. Windows’ common dialogs are great if you want the user to select a file, but what if you want them to select a directory? Call the following function, which relies on Win32’s new SHBrowseForFolder function: Original Author: Found on the World Wide Web API Declarations Private Type BrowseInfohWndOwner As LongpIDLRoot As… Read More »


The DegreesToXYsubroutine, calculates the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates of any point, measured in degrees, on the circumference of a circle or ellipse. Original Author: Found on the World Wide Web Inputs Pass the subroutine the center X, Y of your ellipse, the degree position,and the horizontal and vertical radii (if they are equal, you’re specifying acircle, if… Read More »

CapsLock and NumLock

How to Activate CapsLock and NumLock from Code Original Author: Ian Ippolito (psc) Assumptions The keyboard APIs for VB4-16 and VB3 do not support the byte data type.By changing the Windows constant to Public Const VK_NUMLOCK = &H90, you can use the above to activate the NumLock key. API Declarations Public Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14Public Type KeyboardBytes?á?á?á?á?ákbByte(0 To 255)… Read More »