Easy Browse For Folder

Let the user select a directory (as workingdirectory, or for save/load data to/from, etc.), which is also known as a “Browse for Folder” function. This is the most easy way to provide this feature, just using the standard Common Dialog control. Original Author: John Tegelaar Assumptions Start a new VB5/6 project, and put a CommandButton and a CommonDialog control… Read More »

Print from rich text box

This code combines the excellent submissions of PrintCode by Ken Chia and the printing from a rich text control by VBPro to display the Windows printing common dialog and then send the rich text box contents to the selected printer with formatting and margins. Original Author: D. Siebold Code ‘This is where the printing is called – assumes a… Read More »

A program that controls a remote computer

The code is still here, however I am working on an updated version. It will include a new chat, and several other things. If anyone is interested in joining me in creating this program email me at steve81@mediaone.net. Basicly what I am looking to do is get people who may know some cool control functions to add to… Read More »

Adhoc querying and reporting

Enables the user to create adhoc queries and reports from user-chosen access databases.User needs to have Word97 to run the reports and references to word 8, ado 2 recordset and dao 3.51 object libraries.Dragndrop fields/tables to choose selection fields and double-click field name for selection criteria. Original Author: Colin McAllister Assumptions User needs to add the following references :Microsoft… Read More »


For ADO database application: To show (1) How to use ADO schema to obtain a list of tables of a database. (2) How to provide a re-usable single form for any MDB file name, and with another form to display as many tables as there are in that database at the same time. Otherwise, you will have to… Read More »

Get mail client, news, calender, contacts, etc.

Finds the default client (default program which Internet Explorer uses) for mail, news, contacts, calender, internet call. Original Author: Chris Porter Inputs Which client you want to find where is stored, for example mail, news or contacts. Assumptions Has only been tested with IE 5.0, and 4.0 under Win98. It might run on Win95, and IE versions lower than… Read More »

Get the logged on username from Windows 95/98/NT

Get the logged on username from Windows 95/98 and NT Original Author: Ryan Hartman API Declarations Declare Function GetUserName Lib “advapi32.dll” Alias “GetUserNameA” (ByVallpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long‘inl as 1 Code gsUserId = ClipNull(GetUser())Function GetUser() As StringDim lpUserID As StringDim nBuffer As LongDim Ret As LonglpUserID = String(25, 0)nBuffer = 25Ret = GetUserName(lpUserID, nBuffer)If Ret ThenGetUser$… Read More »

Tabstrip project

This is a tabstrip project. By using an array, you can decide which tab container should be shown. Whatever you want to show when that tab is clicked goes into a container. I searched for months trying to learn about tabstrips and I hope this code helps someone else out. Original Author: David VanHook Assumptions In order to use… Read More »

Hide your program in the Ctrl-Alt-Delete Dialog!

Always wanted to hide your program in Ctrl-Alt-Delete Dialog box, So people dont close it from there when you dont want them to….Well use this code and your problems will be solved…They cannot close your program unless you let them through yours…MUST HAVE!!!! Original Author: Neo Assumptions Create a Module and put the code below and call the Subs… Read More »

Start an exe within your app w/ error handling!

starts an exe from within your application Original Author: Daniel Errante Code Sub LoadEXE(Dir As String)On Error GoTo err:X% = Shell(Dir, 1): NoFreeze% = DoEvents(): Exit SubExit Suberr:’make your own error messages like mine below, or use the default:If err.Number = 6 Then Exit SubMsgBox “Please make sure that the application you are trying to launch is located in… Read More »