Install Vista without product key
Don’t feel like typing in your product key before installing Windows Vista? It is now possible to install any version of Windows Vista and use it for 14 days before having to enter a product key and activating it.
Don’t feel like typing in your product key before installing Windows Vista? It is now possible to install any version of Windows Vista and use it for 14 days before having to enter a product key and activating it.
If you are like me and have a NAS device on your network that is not compatible with Windows Vista, now you can tweak Windows Vista to make it work again. You do not even have to wait for your device manufacturer to release a new firmware any more! Just follow these steps below:
One of the main concepts of Windows Vista is to make things more simple, basically take some of the complexity out of Windows. The decision was made to do away with the old menu bar in many of the windows of Windows Vista because they simply looked too busy and offered the user too many, often confusing, choices.
If you are like me and use the search box in the new Start Menu in Windows Vista as a run box, you can run any command you type in as an administrator by holding down CTRL + Shift and then pressing Enter.
When browsing through shared folders and network computers Explorer can slow down when it is searching the local network for printers. This sounds like a great feature and may be useful for some but I would rather disable it to get maximum performance when browsing through folders.
If you are having problems with lockups, blue screens, or can only get to safe mode, often the problem is due to a faulty device driver. One way to help identify them is through the use of the Verfier program 1. Start / Run / Verifier 2. Keep the default of Create Standard Settings 3.… Read More »
There is no easy way to remove the My Computer icon from the desktop. It is possible, however, to restrict it so that no action is performed when someone attempts to double-click this icon. Here is the procedure:
NTBACKUP Note: Limit batch file command lines to 256 characters. Exceeding this limit can stop the process without warning or result in files not being backed up. Syntaxntbackup operation path [/a][/v][/r][/d”text”][/b][/hc:{on | off}] [/t{option}][/l”filename”][/e][/tape:{n}]ParametersOperation: Specifies the operation, backup. PathIf you are backing up a drive, specifies one or more paths of the directories to be backed up.If you… Read More »
Display or set a search path for executable files. Syntax PATH pathname [;pathname] [;pathname] [;pathname]…PATHPATH ; Key switch description pathname drive letter and/or folder ; the command ‘PATH ;’ will clear the path PATH without parameters will display the current path. The %PATH% environment variable contains a list of folders. When a command is issued at the CMD… Read More »
PathPing is a network troubleshooting tool that combines the functions of two other utilities: Ping and Traceroute. It’s used to diagnose network issues by measuring both the latency and packet loss along the route between your computer and a destination (like a website or server). When you run PathPing, it first sends packets to every router along the… Read More »