Disable Roaming Profiles

If you”re troubleshooting a desktop system on a network where roaming profiles are being used, you may want to temporarily disable roaming profiles on the machine and use a locally cached profile instead. That way when you reboot the machine or log off and on, you won”t end up having the roaming profile overwrite any diagnostic changes you”ve… Read More »

How to disable Vista’s Setup log

Windows Vista includes a Setup log which can be viewed and analyzed using Event Viewer. By default new Setup events generated are added to this log, but you can disable this functionality using local Group Policy as follows:

Extending The Windows Vista Grace Period to 120 Days

If you’re on the fence about the impending release of Windows Vista, I recommend trying before you buy. Every Vista DVD includes the ability to install any edition of Vista without a product key. When you install without a product key, you get an automatic 30-day evaluation period.* This probably isn’t news to anyone.

Change the Number of Worksheets in Your New Workbooks

By default, Excel creates three worksheets in each new workbook that you create. If you prefer to reduce or increase this behavior to better meet your needs, follow these instructions. 1. Click the Office Button. 2. Click the Excel Options button. 3. Select Popular from the left pane. 4. Under the When creating new workbooks section, change the… Read More »