Intermittent Connection Failures Between LAN Computers

You may experience intermittent communication failure between computers that are running Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003, if the network adapter is configured to use checksum offloading and the Windows Firewall is turned on. To workaround this behavior, turn off checksum offloading on the network adapter: 1. Open a CMD.EXE window. 2. Type the following command and press… Read More »

Tweaking Windows Update

Although Windows Update and WSUS are both generally pretty simple to configure, you can sometimes gain a higher level of control over them by making a few minor modifications to the Windows registry. In this article, I will show you some registry keys that are associated with Windows Update. As I do, I will show you the various… Read More »

MUNGE.exe (Resource Kit)

Find and Replace text within file(s) Notice that munge looks for a complete string (delimited with spaces) – it won’t match part of a string. Syntax MUNGE ScriptFile [options] FilesToMunge… Key ScriptFile : A text file containing the strings to Find & Replace FilesToMunge : One or more files to be changed (may use wildcards) Editing options -q… Read More »

What are NTVDM and WOW?

NTVDM stands for “NT Virtual DOS Machine”. WOW stands for “Windows on Windows”. They are both names for the same Win16 subsystem that runs under Windows NT, 2000, and XP.


In MS-DOS, DEL and DELTREE are commands used for deleting files and directories, but they have some key differences in how they operate.

Faster DOS Printing

If you are experiencing slow printing for DOS programs with Windows2000    1. Go Start | Run | Regedit    2. Click Hkey_Local_Machine    3. Click on System    4. Click CurrentControlSet    5. Click Control    6. Go to the bottom of this part of the list and click WOW    7. Click LPT timeout and change… Read More »