Telnet to Port 25 to Test SMTP Communication

This article describes how to telnet to port 25 on a computer that runs Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) services to troubleshoot SMTP communication problems. The information in this article, including error messages, only applies to issues when attempting to resolve SMTP communication issues with Microsoft Exchange-based servers and is not intended for general troubleshooting purposes.

How to Erase a Tape with NTBackup

When inserting a tape for the next week’s rotation, the tape must first be erased. This procedure must be performed manually through the Graphical User Interface of NTBackup, and is not scriptable. If the tape is not first erased, there will not be enough room on the tape for the backups in the coming week. The following steps… Read More »

Automatically Kill Programs At Shutdown

Don”t you hate it when, while trying to shut down, you get message boxes telling you that a program is still running? Making it so that Windows automatically kills applications running is a snap. Simply navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop directory in the Registry, then alter the key AutoEndTasks to the value 1.

Speed up Internet Explorer 6 Favorites

For some reason, the Favorites menu in IE 6 seems to slow down dramatically sometimes–I”ve noticed this happens when you install Tweak UI 1.33, for example, and when you use the preview tip to speed up the Start menu. But here”s a fix for the problem that does work, though it”s unclear why: Just open a command line… Read More »

No Forwarding or Root Hints on Windows 2000 DNS server

If no DNS servers were detected during the initial configuration of Windows 2000 DNS, the system will typically designate the new DNS server as a “root server”, which is the ultimate authority for all naming resolution activities. As a result, the new DNS server will not be able to forward any name resolution queries that it is unable… Read More »

Add a New Windows 2000 DNS Server in Existing AD

To create a new Windows 2000 DNS Server, you must install Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server on a server that is attached to your network. Because DNS is not installed by default during installation of Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server, you have to install DNS on the server.

Remove Patch Uninstall Folders To Clean Hard Drive

Hard drives are cheap and people typically have more space than they know what to do with these days. But, that is no reason to just waste it. When you install Windows patches, hidden folders are created which contain the uninstall data. Viewing the hidden data on my computer, I found 50 or so patch uninstall folders taking… Read More »