How to download and install Windows XP SP2

Windows XP Service Pack 2, offering many security and performance upgrades for your operating system, can be conveniently downloaded in several ways. Before you follow this tip, however, be sure to read the other Windows XP and Service Pack 2 tips in MalekTips. These provide more information about computer maintenance you should perform before applying the update to… Read More »

Batch file SLEEP Command

Most operating systems provide a command in batch files to sleep, or wait, a certain number of seconds. This is great in that batch files can display text, allowing you time to read before continuing. Or, batch files may wait a few seconds in order to connect to other resources.

Display Command History

To display a list of commands entered in a current DOS prompt session under Windows XP, just enter in the following command at the DOS prompt:

Output to a Log File

The Windows 2003 Resource Kit comes with a batch file command, logtime, that lets you output the current time, date, and a custom text message to a log file. This is great for benchmarking batch files and commands in that you can output when such a command starts and completes.

Top Command Alternative to View Processes

Many Unix and Linux-style operating systems come with the ”top” command that, when entered, display a detailed view of every running process on the system. This command updates in real-time, so as processes start, stop, or request more memory, this information is reflected in the display.

Interpreting an SMTP Protocol Log

When the diagnostics logging level of the SMTP protocol log category is set to maximum the complete incoming message transfer is written to the log. To ensure that SMTP logging is enabled check the application event log after the Internet Mail Service is started. If enabled event 2004 is written to the event log. One point to note… Read More »

NTFS Permissions Intro

NTFS PermissionsUse NTFS permissions to specify which users and groups can gain access to files and folders, and what they can do with the contents of the file or folder. NTFS permissions are only available on NTFS volumes. The permissions you assign for folders are different from the permissions you assign for files. You assign folder permissions to… Read More »

Upgrading a Windows NT domain

This section explains the recommended steps for upgrading a Windows NT domain to Windows 2000 and Active Directory. Plan and implement a namespace and DNS infrastructure Because the Domain Name System (DNS) is required for Active Directory, ensure that you have designed a DNS and Active Directory namespace and have either configured DNS servers or are planning on… Read More »