Remove Default Admin$ Share
By default Windows 2000, Windows XP and WinNT automatically setup hidden admin shares (admin$, c$ and d$), this registry key will disable these hidden shares.
By default Windows 2000, Windows XP and WinNT automatically setup hidden admin shares (admin$, c$ and d$), this registry key will disable these hidden shares.
After installing the Exchange System Manager on your workstation, you may run into integration problems between Outlook and Office Communicator. You may also note that you are not able to send email; your outbox will remain populated, no messages will go outbound. If you don’t require the integration aspect of Office Communicator, you can just turn it off,… Read More »
Page file size is not constant by default. Due to this, the operating system has to resize the file each time more space is required. This is a performance overhead. All you have to do is to set the file size to a reasonable limit.
Both Windows and application programs tend to leave temporary files lying around on your hard drive, taking up space. A hard drive that is close to being “full” can cause Windows to slow down or interfere with efficient disk access and virtual memory operations.
Microsoft Windows includes a Bus Mastering feature known as Direct Memory Access or DMA. When this DMA feature is enabled, it basically allows your Hard Drive and CD Rom Drive to transfer their information directly to and from memory without passing through the Microprocessor. Hence the word, Direct Memory Access.
Windows Vista uses an always-on defragment set up that isn’t that necessary and will cause your system to slow down. Remember to run a defragment manually once a month.
Remote Differential Compression checks the changes of your files over a network to move them with as little bandwidth as possible instead of transferring an entire file that has previously been moved.
Before you spend a dime on security, there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats.
You can create a file of any size using nothing more than what’s supplied with Windows. Start by converting the desired file size into hexadecimal notation.
When enabled, this setting removes the ‘Find’ command from the Start Menu.