MSNBot? Or Something Else?

I’ve been getting a ton of hits from what appears to be MSNbot.  But is it really?  I’ve gotten thousands of hits from this little beastie, just over the last week or so.  Normally I wouldn’t mind getting this much attention from a search engine.

Computer Thermodynamics

That desk in front of you and everything else around you is made up of atoms. An atom consists of electrons orbiting around a nucleus. An atom is incredibly tiny. You could line up 10 million of them inside a millimeter.

What is Web Conferencing?

With web conferencing, participants can share audio, video, content or combination of these in real time.  This enables people to attend meetings or presentations when they can’t attend them physically.  

Do Not Highlight New Software

Whenever you install new software on your Windows 7 computer, the new software is automatically highlighted on the Start menu.  Here is how to stop this sometimes annoying behavior.

Disable Aeroshake

Aeroshake gives you the ability to minimize all open windows with the exception of the currently selected window, just by grabbing it by the caption bar and giving it a shake.  I hate it.

Securing Your Computer System

Today, more and more people are using their computers for everything from communication to online banking and investing to shopping.  As we do these things on a more regular basis, we open ourselves up to potential hackers, attackers and crackers.  

Determine the Real URL

URL Shortening is a trend in today’s social media and web surfing. Big giants such as Google and YouTube have their own URL shorteners, too. It’s not just because the URL shortening is a trend of the present, but also, it’s important for tiny conversations like twitter or facebook status.