Using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

One of the first things you do when you start studying for the CCNA exam is memorizing a list of port numbers and the protocols that run on those ports. If you’re an experienced networker, you know most of the protocols that are mentioned – DNS, DHCP, FTP, SMTP, and so on. But there’s one protocol that you… Read More »

Prefix Notation

When you’re preparing to pass the CCNA exam and earn this coveted Cisco certification, you’ve got to be totally prepared for the many kinds of binary and subnetting questions Cisco may throw at you.

Static VLANs

Earning your CCNP certification requires you to add to your knowledge of VLAN configuration. When you studied for your CCNA exam, you learned how to place ports into a VLAN and what the purpose of VLANs was, but you may not be aware that there are two types of VLAN membership. To pass the exam, you must know… Read More »

Dual boot Windows and Linux

The internet is full of technical articles, many of which are way too complicated for the average computer user who just wants to solve a simple problem.  If you pay close attention, the internet is also a place where the “gurus” spend a lot of time yelling for help in discussion boards and forums.

Pros and Cons of Tablet PCs

Tablet PCs are great. If you are a mobile person, and you have never considered getting a tablet PC in the past, now is as good a time as any to start checking them out – the technology is cutting-edge, the usability is superb, and prices are starting to drop.

Get Your Message Read by Writing Effective Emails

Sometimes email messages can get quite long, especially when you quote much of the material that has been sent in previous emails. Also, emails often get long if you have a lot to say or you need to give a comprehensive overview of a particular business situation.

Beware of that free screensaver

Do you remember that frustrating feeling when you find an interesting screensaver and can’t install it on your computer? This article will help you to never have it again.

Five Hardware Myths

The big boys in the computer industry want you to continue thinking the way you are. The major desktop computer manufacturers thrive on consumers lack of knowledge and old ideas about desktop computers and computer hardware to drive sales of new desktop computers.  

How Computers Add

You probably realize that the ‘standard’ PC code is in 8 bit bytes taking the hex system a stage further. You may also know that processors, and Windows software that runs on them, have progressed from 8 bits to 16 bits to 32 bits to 64 bits. Basically this means the computer can work on 1,2, 4 or… Read More »

What is a Backbone?

A high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network. The term is relative as a backbone in a small network will likely be much smaller than many non-backbone lines in a large network.