Who doesn’t love NETDOM?

This command-line tool enables administrators to manage Windows domains and trust relationships from the command line. This tool is very handy for scripted installs, updates, adds/removes, and general info gathering. Command Description Netdom add Adds a workstation or server account to the domain. Netdom computername Manages the primary and alternate names for a computer. This command can safely… Read More »

$70 for a USB stick?

System administrators who have HP blade servers in their environments probably know all about the pain of paying for HP-branded USB sticks for use in their BL490’s.  But why pay $70?

97 Google Searching Tips

Who doesn’t like a good tip for searching Google? There are literally tons of tips and tricks for using this search engine to find just about anything you’re looking for, as well as a few things you weren’t. But let’s say you aren’t quite the geek that some of us other are. Maybe this whole internet thing is… Read More »

Failure to Plan, Plan to Fail

Let’s say that you have a software project that’s under severe time pressure.  Let’s say that this deadline is so tight that you already know it will involve many late nights of black coffee and frenetic programming.  What can you do to make this process go faster?

Dealing with Information Overload

It’s been said that the average New York Times Sunday edition contains more information than a person in 15th century England was exposed to during their entire lifetime.  

Website Usability Testing

In professional web design circles, the usability testing session has become an essential component of any major project. Similar to focus groups in brand development and product launches, usability testing offers a rare opportunity to receive feedback from the very people the website is aimed at – before it’s too late to do anything about it. But how… Read More »

Email and Newsgroup Etiquette

With each day that passes, we become more and more depending on email and other electronic forms of communication. Unfortunately, our etiquette and manners seem to be going out the window as well. Here are a few reminders that might help you get your point across in electronic communications, with fewer ruffled feathers.