How Not to Design an HTML Form

Remember, not everyone uses a mouse. There are tons of us out here that are more effective when using the keyboard. When building an input form on a web page you have to keep things like accessibility and semantics in mind.

Network Protocols

A network protocol is a set of rules for communicating between computers. Protocols govern format, timing, sequencing, and error control. Without these rules, the computer cannot make sense of the stream of incoming bits. But there is more than just basic communication.

What Annoys Me About Trade Shows

Recently, I had the good fortune to attend HP Discover 2013 in Las Vegas, NV. Overall, it was a really good show, at which I learned some really cool new things about HP, as well as new ways of performing the routine stuff.

Why would you pay $12.95 per month for free information ?

There are sites out there that charge folks for answers.  Yup hard to believe, right?  This is incredible to me, since most of the information they provide is free, if you simple use your favorite search engine to find the answer.

Living with the Surface

About one month ago, I became the proud owner of a Microsoft Surface RT. So far, I’m loving it. This seems to be contrary to the thoughts of the majority of folks in IT, but hey, I’ve always been a bit different. Having got rid of my iPad some time ago, I’ve been lugging around my Dell 6410… Read More »

Three Windows Command Prompt Replacements

I’ve been using the trusty command prompt in Windows, well, forever. Having started my life in IT as a DOS keyboard jockey, it’s been a part of my life that just won’t go away. Lately though, I’ve been looking to teach my command prompt some new tricks. Things like multi-tab interface, easier copy/paste within the window, things of… Read More »