Getting Killed by a Penguin
If you run a website, you may have noticed a, well, slight drop in numbers recently. I did, and not sure why, though. WTF, Google?
If you run a website, you may have noticed a, well, slight drop in numbers recently. I did, and not sure why, though. WTF, Google?
As a part of running a website, I am always amused at the attempts made by scammers to part me from my money. Here is one of the more humorous messages.
This handy little VBscript to create a system restore point can be encapsulated in a function and can save you from yourself.
From time to time, it might be required that large number of generic user account objects be created in an Active Directory domain. Here is how to do it, quickly.
IT organizations are exploring methods to migrate applications from internal data centers to external infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Thinking about it?
When deploying large numbers of computers, there are several methods of joining a machine to a domain. Since I am a big fan of VBScript (shhh!), I use this method to join the machine.
Accessing restricted websites using a US IP address can be helpful in several ways.
A computer itself does not create threats to its own security, but it is the people that develop these threats to make easy money.
Once again, someone has decided to sell some knowledge. Nothing burns me up more than someone trying to make a quick buck off something so simple as generating a random password.
Now, now. I know most of you are pretty seasoned veterans of technology, and some of you are even top-notch developers. Would you believe someone out there is selling this, though? Yes, I know. On a particular forum for webmasters and SEO-type folks that I frequent, I saw a marketplace post for a script for sale. The script… Read More »