Dead Disks, Dread, and File Retrieval(.com)

Recently, one of our developers came to us with a failed “server”, and requested the IT department assist in recovering data from it. Powering the box on revealed the click of death. Ouch. Let’s give this a shot.

Creating Circles with CSS

Have you ever needed to make a circle for your web site, with text inside of it? Normally, you’d create a graphically representation, with the text inside. Did you know you could do it with a simple little CSS class?

How VPN Creates a Secure and Private Tunnel between the Users Device and the Distant Server

VPN creates a secure and private tunnel between the user’s device and the distant server which is connected to Internet, thus securing your outgoing and incoming data from interception and snooping. The tool was majorly used by employees to access remotely their company network through a secure channel. Now, this tool can be used by anyone for securing… Read More »

Keep clean with SOAP notes

When I was a young IT professional, a more senior professional introduced me to SOAP notes for helping document and manage my my tickets. More than 25 years later, I still use this method, with great effect.

Hey, China! Lay off the spam.

Recently, I noticed a comment on a friends Facebook page regarding the number of attempts at accessing the back end of his website which originated from China.  I know malcontents hit my site all day long, but why not take a peek?

7 Geek Subspecies

The geek species has many different subspecies. There is a type of geek for just about every subject area in existence. You have food geeks, movie geeks, boating geeks, and more. This being a tech site, I’d thought I’d share a few subspecies from the tech strata.

How to Install VB6 on Windows 10 or 11

So if you don’t know it, the technical preview version of Windows 10 is available. Being the good maintenance guy, you’ll want to know about installing VB6 on Windows 10. This article shows how I got it running on Microsofts latest OS. I won’t run down the list of getting Windows 10 installed. If you’re able to grab… Read More »

Your VM is Slow and it Sucks

During my day job, I support a number of developers, QA folks, etc. Another day, living the dream. Twice very recently, I have been accused of providing substandard equipment due to slow script or program performance. Great, now I have to spend 45 minutes schooling an alleged professional.

Configuring Network Interfaces in Linux

For us Windows guys, managing Linux systems can be a pain in the butt. Some simple things, like setting or changing network configurations are performed a little differently on Linux systems. Don’t let the command line intimidate you, Windows guys! Here are a few ways to manage network settings for Linux boxes that are pretty painless.