Pusher – Target List Editor

The first thing that you”ll have to do when running Pusher for the first time, is to build a list of targets. Targets are the machines that that you want to push software to or perform an inventory on. Basically, if you want to perform an action, you need to let Pusher know what you want to perform… Read More »

Pusher – Execution Date and Time

Pusher works with the Task Scheduler service installed by default on all Windows NT-class workstations and servers. This is how Pusher can schedule the delayed execution of programs and scripts.

Pusher – Inventory

After loading targets, simply click the Inventory Targets button. Inventory will be performed, and the results stored for later viewing. Any errors encountered will be logged and will also be viewable in the status (“Thought Processes”) at the bottom of the main window.

Pusher – Package Selection

A package is the software package that you want deployed to the remote workstations. The package can be any of the following types of files:

Pusher – The Push, Described

The push is a pretty in depth process. There are several checks taken before the file is actually scheduled to execute on the target machine. Here is what happens when you click the “Begin Push” button in the main window:

Pusher – Troubleshooting

Just a quick post to help with troubleshooting problems you might encounter while running Pusher. Problem: Name resolution fails Things to Check: Sometimes DNS cache on the SysAdmin workstation can become stale. You can try opening a command prompt, and typing the following: IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS This will flush out the local DNS cache. Problem: Ping Fails Things to… Read More »

A Guide to Touching Up Your Digital Photos

One problem I faced when starting out with digital photography was how to touch up my raw digital images. Perhaps an image was slightly dark, perhaps it had to be rotated or cropped. Digital photos usually require some form of manipulation before final output. So here’s a short guide which I’ve compiled to help you touch up your… Read More »

Using Photoshop and Illustrator

Unless you have tons of money to burn, every consumer wants to be as smart as possible when buying their goods.  We want value for our money.  If there’s a cheaper alternative that can deliver the same results, of course we would rather have that!