Webcam Setup Overview

These days, web cameras are everywhere. Your friends have one, maybe your office or the university that you study in also do. So, you decided to finally go with the crowd and get a camera. Now that you have it at home and connected to your computer, you probably wonder: “How do I make this thing show a… Read More »

Some DVD Burning Tips

CD and DVD replication is a process that works by creating discs from scratch.  Not to be confused with duplication (the act of burning information onto readymade, commercially available blank CD-Rs and DVD-Rs), replication relies on the use of molds to produce actual discs that already contain digital data.  It is the preferred and recommended mode of mass… Read More »

Choosing the Right Power Supply

The power supply is the least respected and most overlooked component in your PC. No one ever talks about how big their power supply is, all you ever hear is how fast their CPU runs, or how much memory they have, or how many MP3’s they can fit on their hard drive. The only time anyone ever talks… Read More »

Preventing Identity Theft Online

Identity theft rates one of the fastest growing crimes in America today and the Internet can make it even easier for some criminals to take your good name and drag it through the mud.

Using your LCD TV as a Monitor

Unlike a plasma television that offers the danger of burn-in, you can learn how to use you LCD TV as a video monitor. It makes for a clear and crisp picture to go with your computer or video games. The versatility of an LCD TV is perhaps what makes it most attractive to many buyers. A few tips… Read More »

About NTFS Data Recovery

NTFS (New Technology File System) is the standard windows file system management device, which is incorporated with automated data recovery tools. These tools give NTFS an edge over other file system devices like windows FAT (File Allocation Table). The tools aid NTFS data recovery in two ways namely, transaction logging and cluster remapping.

Using and Creating a Recovery Disk

Owning a recovery disk is becoming a necessity of some sort today. The type I am referring to here is one created by you. This is important because of the many instances of computers being attacked by viruses, spyware which lead to system failure. You might have experienced one yourself.

RAID 5 Data Recovery

When you are operating on a technology-based system, anyone who experienced some technical failures will definitely feel that stomach-churning, knot-tightening touch that always comes first before you actually worry about making a backup on your important file. When you have a computer crash going on, the first thing you try to see is to make sure data was… Read More »

Change Default Explorer View

The default view when Windows Explorer is opened is the Libraries folder, which includes Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. I can’t stand this view. Here’s how to change it. By applying this tweak, you’ll get the drive view rather than the library view when opening Windows Explorer from the Start Menu.