VB6 Tutorial 23: The CheckBox Control
In this lesson, I’ll give you an overview of the CheckBox control in VB6. This is a powerful tool in the Visual Basic 6 IDE.
In this lesson, I’ll give you an overview of the CheckBox control in VB6. This is a powerful tool in the Visual Basic 6 IDE.
Have a look at some interesting features of the OptionButton and Frame controls in Visual Basic 6.
In this lesson, I’ll take you through the For Loop structure with a couple of simple code examples. Undoubtedly the For…Next loop structure is the most useful among others.
Loops are used to execute a block of statements repeatedly based on a condition.
In this lesson, I shall take you through the concept of the nested if-else block. The visual basic language provides many convenient ways for conditional operations. This text section shows you one of them, nesting of the simple If blocks.
I’ve been asked why I am posting a tutorial for an almost thirty year old language. The simple explanation is: I want to.
There are many control flow blocks in Visual Basic 6 that help in executing some statements in a particular way. This lesson demonstrates the use of If-block.
In this post, I’ll explain how to make an executable or .exe file for your program. Once the .exe file is created, you can distribute the file to the users.
Visual Basic provides some excellent ways for input and output operations. Input can be taken using TextBox, InputBox, and output can be shown with the Print method, TextBox, Label, PictureBox and MsgBox.
You are going to learn about the command button control in this lesson. The command button control is a very common one. You need it every now and then in your program. So, lets have a look at some properties including a run-time property.