VB6 Tutorial 34: Handy Numeric functions
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at three numeric functions: SQR, INT, and Round. In a later lesson, we’ll take a look at more numeric functions.
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at three numeric functions: SQR, INT, and Round. In a later lesson, we’ll take a look at more numeric functions.
In this lesson, I’m going to tell you about the Mouse Hover effects that you can achieve writing a few lines of code. In Visual Basic 6.0, there is no such event like mouse hover. But you can do it writing some lines of code.
Line and shape are the simplest controls in Visual Basic 6 IDE that do not raise events. They are only used for designing the program interface.
In this lesson, I’ll show you how you can use form templates in order to make your project work easier.
Before a form becomes fully functional, a series of form events is invoked one by one when you run your program. In this lesson, we’ll discuss those events. If you need information about common events for most controls, see the lesson on Common events. Initialize The Initialize event is the first event of a form when the program runs.… Read More »
In this lesson, I’ll discuss a very important part of the VB6 IDE, the Object Browser. Understanding the Object browser is essential if you are curious about all the libraries, functions, objects and practically everything of the language.
This section discusses the control flow functions such as IIf, Choose and Switch functions.
This VB6 lesson is about the common events that give life to event driven programming.
Today I’ll show you the usage of PictureBox and Image controls.
This lesson gives you a short description about the graphical style property of the OptionButton and CheckBox controls. This feature gives a graphical flavor to these controls. Its use has been demonstrated through sample programs.