Do Not Feed the Troll

What is a troll? A hairy and ugly creature that lives under a bridge? Yes, but there is another kind of troll they are a forum group poster who makes a post that is a lie to provoke readers into a flame war. Every time I read a trolls post I think “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” Sometimes… Read More »

8 tips for fighting the spam war

If you are buried in SPAM then you’re not alone. It’s been suggested that as much as 50% to 75% of the e-mail traffic on any given day is SPAM. Reading through SPAM is a waste of your time and it subjects you to potential viruses, trojan horses, and sexual material which can be quite offensive. Here are… Read More »

How Do Wireless Networks Work?

Wireless networks work using radio waves instead of wires to transmit data between computers. That’s the simple version. If you’re curious to know what’s going on in more detail, then it’s all explained in this post.

Computer Consulting and Virtual IT

Do you own or manage a computer consulting company? Would you like to achieve greater small business success? If so, then get ready to learn why most computer consulting companies get IT (Information Technology) wrong and what you can do about it.

The Joy of Hex

Cisco certification candidates, particularly CCNA candidates, must master binary math. This includes basic conversions, such as binary-to-decimal and decimal-to-binary, as well as more advanced scenarios involving subnetting and VLSM.

Cisco Password Recovery

It might happen on your CCNA exam, it might happen on your production network – but sooner or later, you’re going to have to perform password recovery on a Cisco router or switch. This involves manipulating the router’s configuration register, and that is enough to make some CCNA candidates and network administrators really nervous!

Test your Backups Often to Ensure Reliability

If you’re like most small business owners, your computer data backups are one of those things that you rarely pay attention to. Computer data backups are kind of like flossing your teeth and eating low-fat, high-fiber foods everyone knows what they’re supposed to do, but how many REALLY do these things religiously?!?

Create a backup plan

Your company’s data may be its most important asset. Imagine a large corporation with millions of dollars of account receivable and account payable data stored on their network. A fire causes massive data loss. How much work would be required to re-create the lost data? Without backups, the company may not survive the disaster.