What is a VoIP Router?

Voice over Internet Protocol is a new way to talk on your phone through your broadband internet connection.  A VoIP router is needed to help you use the same phone you have been using before your VoIP connection.  

What is a network patch panel ?

Patch panels are used as the central point in a network where all the network cables terminate. It is the grand central station of the network. Networks that use patch panels (and almost all modern networks use this technology) are consider “star-networks” or they use the term “star-topology.”

What is an Extranet?

An extranet is an extension of your company’s internal network that allows outside users to provide and access information in a secure environment. Like an intranet, it is web browser based, making information available on any computer without any special equipment.

10 Things You Should Be Monitoring On Your Website

Every business needs to know how it is doing. That’s the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming – or being able to… Read More »

Why You Need Web Analytics for Your Site

So, you think you’re off to a good start because you finally got your new Web site up and running. You even have one of those counters at the bottom of your homepage, so you know exactly how many people visit your site. Done patting yourself on the back yet? When you are, it’s time to move your… Read More »

How to get traffic to your website

Internet Marketing requires you to sale other people’s products or services, or if you have decided to create your own product, sale your own. But whether you are selling your own or others, we all have one thing in common – getting traffic to our websites.  But what is most important is not just getting traffic, but targeted… Read More »

How does a firewall work?

You may have heard the term firewall before, but have you ever wondered how does a firewall work and why do I need one? A computer firewall protects your computer by putting up a barrier to keep anyone from accessing your files when you are surfing the Internet.

How Podcasting Works

It has been said that in October of 2004 a Google search returned less than 6,000 results for the term “podcasting”. Today, a similar search yields more than 8,560,000 results. Like the blogging phenomenon, podcasting has come out of nowhere and attracted an enthusiastic following. While some traditional radio talk shows have begun providing podcasts of their regularly… Read More »

How SIP works

Have you ever wondered why long-distance calls cost so much? In part the reason is because telephone lines cost so much.  When driving, you might occasionally see a telephone crew maintaining a telephone line, but what you may have never considered is that there are literally thousands of individuals working around the clock to maintain our telephone lines.

Running VMware vSphere Client on Windows 7

If you are vSphere administrator, you’ve probably run into this yourself or know someone who has.  Some have this problem, don’t.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason why it happens to some and not others.  Here is how to fix it though.