VB6 Tutorial 52: Dynamic Array

In case of a fixed size array, we have seen that the size of the array is fixed or unchanged, but there may be some situations where you may want to change the array size. A dynamic array can be resized at run time whenever you want. Declaring dynamic arrays Declare the array with empty dimension list. For… Read More »

VB6 Tutorial 51: Multi-dimensional arrays

An array can be multi-dimensional that means, it can have more than one dimension. A list of data is represented in a one-dimensional array where a multi-dimensional array represents a table of data. An array can be two dimensional, three dimensional and so on. We generally don’t need an array of more than two dimensions, it is enough… Read More »

VB6 Tutorial 50: Arrays

An array is a collection of items of the same data type. All items have the same name and they are identified by a subscript or index. When you need to work with several similar data values, you can use array to eliminate the difficulties of declaring so many variables.

VB6 Tutorial 32: Methods

This lesson is about some important and common methods in Visual Basic 6. There is a large number of built-in methods in VB6. This section describes the methods that you’ll use most frequently in your program.

VB6 Tutorial 45: Overflow Errors

Have you ever faced an overflow-error? While working with large data, generally large numbers, overflow error raises. I’m going to explain about the overflow-error to you in this lesson with some tips and tricks for fixing it. Reasons for an Overflow error Assigning large numbers The overflow error occurs when you’re assigning a large number or a numeric… Read More »