Search and Replace Demo

By request, this is a explanation and sample project for utilizing the built-in Replace function for VB6. Finding and replacing text within a string is relatively speaking one of the more common functions you’ll perform when working with text. Fortunately, VB6 has included some functions for easing the burden of working with text. One of these built-in functions… Read More »

File Logging Module

This is a simple module that will allow you to log events from within your program to a text file. This is more of a string handling demo, but could be useful as a starting point for something bigger. If you’re like me, you like to know what is going in your application. This information comes in handy… Read More »

Show Seconds in Taskbar

By adding this DWORD value, you can add the display of seconds to the Windows 10 taskbar clock. You’ll have to restart Explorer in order for the changes to take effect.

Restart Windows Explorer

When performing certain operations, such as registry edits, you may be directed to restart Windows. However, some items only require the restart of the Windows Explorer process. Here’s how to do it.

VB6 Tutorial 65: Storing Code in a Module

Visual Basic 6 stores its code in the form of module that makes your program more structured. So its very important to learn about it. Before you start Its recommended that you first have the concepts of scope, procedure,functions and multiple forms. The following lessons are helpful. What is a module? Module is a separate code file in… Read More »

VB6 Tutorial 64: The Screen Object

One of the objects you can work with in VB6 is the Screen object. This will allow you to find information about the current screen configuration, which will in turn allow you to position your forms and other output in the correct position on the users screen, regardless of the current resolution or dpi settings.

VB6 Tutorial 63: MDI Forms

This lesson discusses how to work with MDI forms in Visual Basic 6. A sample program has been given at the end of this lesson to enable the learners to quickly understand the concepts of MDI forms.