CSS Template: Fruit Punch

Light and airy, FruitPunch is an XHTML and CSS compliant template. The inspiration was a display at a local farmers market. Just goes to show that inspiration can be anywhere!

Create a zero-byte file

During the installation of Visual Studio 6 on Windows 7, 8 or 10, it is necessary to create a zero-byte file called MSJAVA.DLL in the Windows directory. The mere presence of a file with this name will allow installation to proceed. Without it, installation dies.

Dealing with the IT Department

From time to time, technology workers need to provide some instructon to those we support in order to continue providing top notch service. Here are a few pointers that will help you to get along with your Information Technology department.

Snapshots are not backups

VMWare administrators everywhere are familiar with the concept of snapshots. Snapshots can be real life savers! Right before performing a big upgrade or patch, or some other maintenance, you can take a snapshot of the virtual machine. If things go awry, you simply revert to the snapshot, with no hard feelings.

Ease your paranoia

It will destroy ya. Anyone who works with technology for a living will tell you that most things on your computer can be discovered after the fact. This means that when you search for a file, connect to a network device, etc., all that information is stored somewhere.

CSS Template: BluePrint

I built this one in about 2 hours, start to finish. The idea came after looking around at houses and plans on the interwebs, and checking out the plans of the structures.

Connect to a blade server

Blade servers are a bit different to work with.  There are no keyboards, mice, or monitors (normally) connected to a blade server.  Instead, you either need to attach a USB/Keyboard dongle directly to the blade (not available on all models), or you can use the KVM switch built into the blade enclosure.

Check Your Errors

If you have developed any kind of serious web-based application (or any type of application for that matter), you know the joy of trapping errors for anything that the user might do. Bad password, letters where numbers should be, etc. Not rocket science.

Why the design change?

As technology marches on, needs and wants of users change. As a support engineer, it is my job to make sure my users are getting what they need, in a quick and orderly fashion, in a method that is pleasing to them. Analytics is key in finding what pleases them.