Category Archives: Webmaster Related

What is Responsive Web Design?

In today’s world, people access websites using a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Each of these devices has a different screen size and resolution, which can make it challenging to create websites that look good on all of them. That’s where responsive web design comes in.

CSS Template: Back To Basics

I was cruising through some old backups, doing some house cleaning, and I found a trove of old templates that fooled around with, way back in 2002. I thought I’d dust some of them off, and update them a bit. Yes, I have backups going back that far. There some stuff in there going back as far as… Read More »

Hey, China! Lay off the spam.

Recently, I noticed a comment on a friends Facebook page regarding the number of attempts at accessing the back end of his website which originated from China.  I know malcontents hit my site all day long, but why not take a peek?

How Not to Design an HTML Form

Remember, not everyone uses a mouse. There are tons of us out here that are more effective when using the keyboard. When building an input form on a web page you have to keep things like accessibility and semantics in mind.

Check Your Errors

If you have developed any kind of serious web-based application (or any type of application for that matter), you know the joy of trapping errors for anything that the user might do. Bad password, letters where numbers should be, etc. Not rocket science.

Why the design change?

As technology marches on, needs and wants of users change. As a support engineer, it is my job to make sure my users are getting what they need, in a quick and orderly fashion, in a method that is pleasing to them. Analytics is key in finding what pleases them.