Category Archives: Tip

10 Tips to Speed Up your iPhone

The iPhone, celebrated for its sleek design and powerful performance, isn’t immune to the occasional slowdown. Over time, due to various reasons like storage getting filled, outdated software, or piled-up background processes, your device might not feel as snappy as it once did. Fortunately, there are several tricks you can employ to get your iPhone running smoothly again.… Read More »

8 Tips for Choosing a Home Office Printer

Setting up a home office can be a delightful process of curating your workspace for optimal productivity and comfort. One key component that often requires special attention is the humble office printer. With numerous options on the market, how do you decide which printer will suit your needs? Here’s a guide to help you navigate through the choices… Read More »

5 Hardware Components You Need to Upgrade Your PC

If you’re a PC enthusiast or a professional who relies on their computer for work, you understand the importance of keeping your system up to date. Upgrading your PC’s hardware components can significantly enhance its performance and extend its lifespan. In this blog post, we will explore five essential hardware components that you should consider upgrading to unleash… Read More »

Email Like a Boss

Email is one of the most important (and most used) tools in workplace communication. Unlike talking directly in person or via video, emails don’t usually come with an immediate response and you can’t see the facial expressions of the recipient. This means you don’t know if your message is coming across in a confusing way or if your… Read More »

MySQL Optimization with Indexes

MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) in the world. It is widely used for web applications, e-commerce platforms, data analytics, and more. However, as your data grows and your queries become more complex, you may encounter performance issues that affect your user experience and business goals.

Pay Attention to your IT Guy

Recently, a team of people and I performed a migration of a database from old and dying hardware to shiny new hotness. Some of the questions I got, well …

Simple Project Management with Bulleted Lists

For IT folks, the mentioning the “P” word brings visions of long, drawn-out lists of things to be done, usually enforced by someone who barely knows how to power on their computer. There are even those of us who deny the project-management aspect of information technology. Don’t think of it as just a task list. Think of it… Read More »