Category Archives: Tech Career

Email Like a Boss

Email is one of the most important (and most used) tools in workplace communication. Unlike talking directly in person or via video, emails don’t usually come with an immediate response and you can’t see the facial expressions of the recipient. This means you don’t know if your message is coming across in a confusing way or if your… Read More »

Ten Pitfalls to Avoid in IT Management

Are you looking to achieve success without experiencing the hardships and difficulties that often accompany it? This article aims to guide you towards reaching new heights by providing valuable insights to help you avoid career-damaging mistakes.

Be Balanced, SysAdmin

Balancing system administration workload and priorities in a dynamic and changing context requires a combination of skills, tools, and strategies. Here are some tips to help you:

Don’t Stay Comfortable

I have observed a recurring pattern among IT professionals, such as programmers, network engineers, and administrators. They land a great job with a good salary, become complacent, and stop keeping up with the latest technologies and industry certifications like CCNA, MCSE. Eventually, they lose their job, either due to layoff or company relocation, and find themselves in a… Read More »

How to Make Money Blogging

Making money through blogging can be a great way to turn your passion for writing into a profitable endeavor. However, it takes hard work, consistency, and patience to succeed. In this blog post, we will cover some strategies you can use to monetize your blog and start earning an income.

Tips for Getting Started in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field, and it can be daunting for those just starting out. However, with the right preparation and knowledge, you can quickly become a successful cybersecurity practitioner. Here are some tips to get you started.

Do You Really Need a Degree to Work in IT?

A degree is not always required to work in the information technology (IT) field, but it can be beneficial. Some entry-level jobs in IT may only require a high school diploma or an associate’s degree, while others may require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field such as computer science, computer engineering, or information systems.

What is a System Engineer?

A computer system engineer is a professional who designs and implements computer systems for organizations. This may involve building and maintaining networks, installing and configuring hardware and software, and ensuring that the computer systems are secure and efficient.

IT Professional Achievements

I stumbled across a thread containing a bunch of gamer-style achievements for IT folks. Some are humorous, and there are those that you will silently nod your head and agree with.