Category Archives: Tech Career

A Word to my Tech Brothers and Sisters

Every once in a while, I get in a philosophical mood, and I feel the need to share my thoughts with others.  This is one such time, and some of these points may be of use or assistance to someone out there who is struggling.

How to Find Time to Learn After Work

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us are caught in the whirlwind of our day-to-day jobs, family obligations, and countless other responsibilities. With such a hectic schedule, the idea of dedicating time to learning after work may seem impossible. But with a bit of strategy and determination, you can carve out time for self-improvement. Here’s how:

Starting a Career in Tech

Diving into the vast ocean of technology can seem daunting, especially when every tide brings in a new wave of innovations. But like any other field, with the right guidance and knowledge, beginning a career in the technology industry can be an enriching experience. In this blog post, we’ll demystify what a tech job really entails, explore the… Read More »

Navigating Professional Development Amidst Chaos

In the bustling realm of modern business, continuous learning is more than just a trend; it’s essential. While professional development offers numerous benefits, from skill enhancement to personal growth, the real challenge lies in finding the time amidst busy schedules, a struggle frequently observed in executive education. Although learning doesn’t always seem immediately crucial, ignoring it could jeopardize… Read More »

Finding a New Career in the Technology Industry

The technology industry is a dynamic, ever-evolving landscape filled with opportunities for those willing to seize them. Whether you’re pivoting from a completely different industry or enhancing your tech expertise, now is an opportune time to immerse yourself in the vast realm of technology. But how do you begin this journey? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you… Read More »

13 Career Alternatives for IT Professionals

It’s not uncommon for individuals with extensive experience in a specific field, like IT, to seek a change. Your expertise in IT has likely provided you with a wealth of transferable skills and knowledge. But what to do?  You’ve made a significant investment in building your skills and abilities, and it would be a pity to let all… Read More »

13 Ways to Improve your Work/Life Balance

Setting clear boundaries is crucial for preserving your work/life balance. By establishing and enforcing boundaries, you help separate your professional and personal life, reducing the chance of one intruding on the other. Here’s how you can set clear boundaries:

8 Tips for Aspiring Tech Writers

Technical writing is a field that involves transforming complex information into clear, concise, and user-friendly content. This job is crucial in many industries, especially in the technology sector, where products and services often need to be explained in a way that is understandable to all. Here are some tips for budding technical writers that can help them navigate… Read More »

What is a Back-End Developer?

In the world of web development, one of the crucial roles is that of a back-end developer. This role is essential in ensuring that the digital architecture that supports and structures a website or application runs smoothly and efficiently. But what does a back-end developer do exactly, what skills do they need, and how do they differ from… Read More »

Unlocking Success with a Professional Website

In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, or professional, investing in a professional website can be a game-changer for your success. A well-designed and expertly crafted website can help you attract new customers, enhance brand credibility, increase conversions, and ultimately… Read More »