Category Archives: Storage

3 uses for an external hard drive

An external hard drive is a hard disk drive (much like the one in your computer) that is placed externally, outside of the case. You can buy them pre-made, or purchase a hard drive and an enclosure, and make your own. They came in many sizes, are relatively inexpensive, and are well suited to perform various functions. In… Read More »

Why Defrag?

Defragging is process done to a hard disk in order to improve performance and recover some lost disk space. Defragging is an essential part of a PC’s upkeep as it keeps all the data on your hard disk in an easily readable order.

What is FAT32?

FAT32 is the file system utilized in some of the older versions of Microsoft Windows. It was introduced with OEM Service Release 2 of Windows 95 (also known as OSR2 and Windows 95B). FAT32 is the default file system on Windows 98 (all versions: OEM, retail, and SE) and Windows Me.

RAID 5 Data Recovery

When you are operating on a technology-based system, anyone who experienced some technical failures will definitely feel that stomach-churning, knot-tightening touch that always comes first before you actually worry about making a backup on your important file. When you have a computer crash going on, the first thing you try to see is to make sure data was… Read More »

RAID is not for killing bugs

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or sometimes “Independent”) Disks. RAID is a method of combining multiple hard disks in a single logical unit to offer high availability, performance or a combination of both. This provides better resilience and performance than a single disk drive.

RAID Basics

Technology, how we love it until something goes wrong and we end up yelling at our computer screens. If you’ve ever lost data, you know how much time, money, and headaches it can cost you to retrieve it, especially if you are a company. Data recovery doesn’t have to be worrisome.

Recovery For Your Hard Drive

These days, computers have become a must have for nearly everyone.  Even though they are great to have around and make our lives easier, they are also known to crash as well.  With computers being electronic, there really is no way to make them fool proof.  The hard drives that hold all of the information have mechanical parts,… Read More »

Why Convert to NTFS?

Your hard drive must be formatted with a file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS so that Windows can be installed on to it. This system determines how files are named, organised and stored on the drive. If you’re not using it already, NTFS (New Technology File System) is recommended for Windows XP because of the additional… Read More »