Category Archives: Security

What Does Encryption Do For Me?

Encryption and cryptographic software has been used in many different ways to make systems more secure. This article discusses only a few ways that such software can make your system more secure/ The two main items discussed are:

What is a BotNet?

Botnets are networks of computers that hackers have infected and grouped together under their control to propagate viruses, send illegal spam, and carry out attacks that cause web sites to crash.

Single-Click Workstation Lock

Keyboard junkies know that you can quickly lock your computer by pressing the Windows Key and the letter L at the same time.  But how about the mouse prone?  Here’s a one click solution to lock your workstation quickly.

Limit Access to Startup Keys in Registry

Your system becomes unstable because of the malware programs running in the background. You identify these programs and kill them in the Task Manager but these programs will re-appear in the Task Manager after you reboot the system. This is because these programs will run again from the below mentioned registry keys:

Some Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

Identity theft rates one of the fastest growing crimes in America today and the Internet can make it even easier for some criminals to take your good name and drag it through the mud. Identity theft involves criminals stealing your personal information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers and other information, usually to buy things on… Read More »

What is Computer Security?

Although the term ‘computer security’ is used a lot, the content of a computer is actually vulnerable to only a few risks unless the computer is connected to others on a network. As the use of computer networks (especially the Internet) has increased dramatically during the past few years, the term computer security is now used to describe… Read More »