Category Archives: Security

10 Ways to Protect Yourself Online

For people who are new to the internet, and computers in general, security and protection be a daunting and confusing subject.  This article attempts to take some of the confusion out of the situation and make you a smarter and safer internet user.

What the Heck is a Keylogger?

A keylogger is a program that runs in your computer’s background secretly recording all your keystrokes. Once your keystrokes are logged, they are hidden away for later retrieval by the attacker. The attacker then carefully reviews the information in hopes of finding passwords or other information that would prove useful to them.  

Securing Your Computer System

Today, more and more people are using their computers for everything from communication to online banking and investing to shopping.  As we do these things on a more regular basis, we open ourselves up to potential hackers, attackers and crackers.  

Keep your PC Virus-Free

Is your computer infected with virus? Do you often get mysterious error messages? Well this is a common problem faced by almost all the computer users across the globe. There are many viruses and worms out there that could infect your computer. Some are harmless, but, they do have the capacity to do any number of nasty things,… Read More »

Determine the Real URL

URL Shortening is a trend in today’s social media and web surfing. Big giants such as Google and YouTube have their own URL shorteners, too. It’s not just because the URL shortening is a trend of the present, but also, it’s important for tiny conversations like twitter or facebook status.

Secure your Twitter Account

Twitter much like Facebook is popular social networking site and these sites users are targeted with phishing scams luring them to reveal their username and passwords. Here are some security tips for twitter users for safe tweeting.

Should you Violate your Childs Privacy?

The Internet is both a marketplace and a library: while thousands of companies are vying for the attention and money of consumers, thousands of informational materials are available to cater to everyones need to learn. The age of Web 2.0 has also turned the Internet into a soundboard for the world’s whines and pains, as blogs, diaries, and… Read More »

Attachment Dangers

Some attachments contain Macros (simple programs that run within other programs, all the titles in Microsoft Office use macros). If you are not that familiar with spotting file extensions, do not worry, that is what I am here to talk about today. If you are a little hazy on the whole “file extension” thing then let’s spend a… Read More »