Category Archives: Security

Hardening Windows Server

This guide is intended to provide basic systems administration instruction for hardening “out-of-the-box” installations of Windows Server.  Even though current versions of Windows Server provides a better security model than previous versions of Windows servers, the attack surface area can be reduced further.

Ease your paranoia

It will destroy ya. Anyone who works with technology for a living will tell you that most things on your computer can be discovered after the fact. This means that when you search for a file, connect to a network device, etc., all that information is stored somewhere.

How to spot a work-at-home scam

With all the work at home opportunities advertised today, it can be difficult to pick out the true jobs from the scams. Here are some tips that will help you determine whether a job is legitimate or a scam in just minutes.

What is Wardriving ?

Imagine a car equipped with nothing more than a laptop computer, a portable GPS receiver, and a wireless network card slowly rolls through your neighborhood. Unknown to any onlookers, this is no ordinary vehicle; rather, it is a wardriving machine.

Drive-By Downloads

You’re surfing the Web, enjoying a quiet afternoon, when a window pops up on the screen.  “New Windows Antivirus Update Available,” it says.  “Would you like to update your system?”  You get “Yes” and “Cancel” buttons at the bottom. It looks like a real, honest-to-goodness Windows message, right down to the logo in the corner.  Should you click… Read More »