Category Archives: Security

What is Two Factor Authentication (2FA) ?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process in which a user provides two different authentication factors to verify their identity. This helps to ensure that the user is who they claim to be and helps to prevent unauthorized access to the user’s account.

Creating Strong Passwords

Creating a strong password is important because it helps to protect your personal information and accounts from unauthorized access. A strong password is one that is difficult for others to guess or crack using automated tools.

Teams is not as Vulnerable as you Think

A researcher over at Vectra has recently reported a vulnerability in Microsoft Teams that “stores auth tokens in cleartext”. The story has been parroted by many other blogs and security reporters across the internet. There is one key piece of information missing from the report however.  The local account of the user has to be compromised first, which is a… Read More »

2021 Password Stats

In an effort to promote security, passwords used by millions of people around the world have been analyzed, and it seems that there a LOT of people out there that are not following good password practices.

Watch out for Phishes

There are a lot of miscreants out there on the interwebs that are looking to take over anything they can, including your Facebook account. Take a look at this screenshot from my email, just this morning.