Category Archives: Rant

Steer Clear of Jabba Communications

So, here I sit. The wife and I thought it waould be fun to get away for a few days, and spend it in the shadow of Mt Baker. We’re staying at a very nice RV campground in the Grizz. It’s been a beautiful day, and we had a great dinner at the diner down the road. Roasted… Read More »

This is Why I Am Done Giving Away Software

I have been giving away the results of my hobbies for literally decades, for free, for use by anyone who wants it.  As of today, I will no longer be releasing compiled software to the public for free use.  I’ll still give away the random scripts, design templates, documents, etc., basically anything that can be presented on-screen in… Read More »

Jack Wallen is Stuck in 1995

I’ve just read a nice (if not misleading) posting by Jack Wallen over at ZDNet, and I got to say, there are still some really misinformed people out there.  Most of all, I can’t believe that the user-based OS fanboy battles are still going on.  Just let people use what they want to use. Don’t turn it in to… Read More »

Don’t Throw Away Your Servers Yet

Recently, Jon Evans of TechCrunch posted a really intriguing article discussing why your software development package is behind schedule. It’s a really good article, and I agree with 66 percent of it. He makes and explains two of the three points really well. As a systems guy, I take a bit of umbrage with the third point.

Dead Disks, Dread, and File Retrieval(.com)

Recently, one of our developers came to us with a failed “server”, and requested the IT department assist in recovering data from it. Powering the box on revealed the click of death. Ouch. Let’s give this a shot.

Yet Another CenturyLink Ordeal

I have CenturyLink DSL. Please take pity on me. Having CL as an ISP has been akin to being trapped in a cartoon, only it’s not funny. Here is my latest experience with them.

How Not to Get Help on This Site

Some people just don’t get it.  Making demands for assistance after calling someone a scammer is not the way to get help from someone.  Here’s a jewel that I got today (warning: rage filled missive)

Hello, World in the App Store

Like many of you, I’ve been doing some testing with Windows 8 RTM. It’s been a bit of a learning experience, with new ways of doing familiar tasks. One thing that I enjoy is perusing the App Store, just to see what is new, and what other developer types are up to.

$70 for a USB stick?

System administrators who have HP blade servers in their environments probably know all about the pain of paying for HP-branded USB sticks for use in their BL490’s.  But why pay $70?