Category Archives: Networking

Disable Network Printer Search

When browsing through shared folders and network computers Explorer can slow down when it is searching the local network for printers. This sounds like a great feature and may be useful for some but I would rather disable it to get maximum performance when browsing through folders.

What is PathPing?

PathPing is a network troubleshooting tool that combines the functions of two other utilities: Ping and Traceroute. It’s used to diagnose network issues by measuring both the latency and packet loss along the route between your computer and a destination (like a website or server). When you run PathPing, it first sends packets to every router along the… Read More »

Troubleshooting Home Networks

Few chores are as frustrating as debugging a small network. The last time I did it, I cursed colorfully enough to embarrass Quentin Tarantino. The one thing we can be certain of is that there’s no problem with your hardware–the successful Internet access tells us that.