Category Archives: Networking

No Forwarding or Root Hints on Windows 2000 DNS server

If no DNS servers were detected during the initial configuration of Windows 2000 DNS, the system will typically designate the new DNS server as a “root server”, which is the ultimate authority for all naming resolution activities. As a result, the new DNS server will not be able to forward any name resolution queries that it is unable… Read More »

Protect Wireless Access Using MAC Address Filters

Wireless networks add a significant level of convenience for many users. The ability to roam at will and access the network without adding wires is quite useful. But you need to do so securely. There are a number of basic steps you should take to protect your wireless network and filtering MAC addresses is one more way to… Read More »

How to Identify IPv6 Link Local Addresses

It’s important to start learning how to identify IPv6 addresses if you want to be able to troubleshoot network connectivity issues on IPv6 networks, and this is especially important as IPv4 to IPv6 migrations accelerate in different parts of the world.

Disable Roaming Profiles

If you”re troubleshooting a desktop system on a network where roaming profiles are being used, you may want to temporarily disable roaming profiles on the machine and use a locally cached profile instead. That way when you reboot the machine or log off and on, you won”t end up having the roaming profile overwrite any diagnostic changes you”ve… Read More »