Category Archives: Windows XP

Disable User Tracking in WIndows XP

Yes, you read it right. Windows XP tracks each and every action you take, each and every move you make. It tracks program run by user, the paths followed, the documents used and M$ knows what else. Disable this “feature” will free up system resources and other side effects you may yourself think of.

How to Change a Drive Letter for a Flash Drive

You have a mapped network drive of G for example, but every time you plug your flash drive in, it takes over drive letter G. What do you do? Force your flash drive to use the same drive letter every time you plug it in or reboot. You change the drive letter for your flash drive the same… Read More »

Show hidden files and folders Doesn’t Work

A common virus disables the Show hidden files and folders function in Windows XP. Here is how to enable it again. The symptom of this problem is every time you select the Show hidden files and folders options under Folder Options, the screen just flashes when you click OK and the hidden files and folders are not unhidden.… Read More »