Category Archives: Windows XP

Default IE To Full Screen Mode

Most people don’t know you can run Internet Explorer in Full Screen mode.  Full Screen mode allows you to see more of the pages you are surfing, without the need to scroll around, and reduces the clutter of the taskbar, sidebar, etc.

Use Registry to View Installed Patches

This info is especially useful to system administrators, but other power users should find this useful. Periodically Microsoft releases Hot Fixes to patch bugs in Windows and other products, this key contains information about which Hot fixes have been installed.

Speed Up ISP Logon Time

On some systems it can take a long time to connect to the Internet, you can decrease the time required to connect to your ISP by trying these simple steps.

Corrupt Videos Crash Explorer

When you open a file in Windows XP that has a corrupted video, image files, HTML pages, or MP3 file, Windows Explorer crashes. You will need to somehow access this folder so that you can delete the offensive file.

Disable Shutdown

Sometimes you may want to disable to the shutdown of a system, such as a kiosk or a mission critical computer.  With the below registry tweak, the shutdown command will be disabled.  To re-enable the shutdown command, simply change the 1 to a 0 (zero).