Category Archives: Windows XP

Batch File to Determine Operating System Version

Many DOS commands in the 32-bit versions of Windows are similar but support different parameters or a few different commands. Thus, if you wish to write a batch file that can run on different types of machines, it may prove beneficial to determine the version of Windows on which the batch file is running. This way the batch… Read More »

UNIX Style Less Command

The less command, on most UNIX-style operating systems, displays the contents of a text file, but in a different fashion than the more command. Instead of only allowing one-way scrolling through a file, less uses the entire terminal window to display a text file and allows for interactive bi-directional scrolling. The less command has other interactive features, allowing… Read More »

Unix Du (Disk Usage Command)

Most Unix operating systems come with a du command for users and system administrators to help determine which directories use the most file space. This is useful if file space is getting low and one needs to determine where to start looking for files to remove and/or archive.

Printer Driver Information

Diagnosing Windows XP printer errors on a printer accessible either locally or via the network? One place to start would be to determine whether or not the printer drivers are completely installed and what versions of the particular DLLs and other files are installed. This can be done via the printdriverinfo command.

Burn CDs From the Command Line

Need to make repeated copies of the same CD? Or do you want to burn a CD image from an .ISO file acquired via the Internet, perhaps of another operating system? If you don”t want to open up your CD burning application, you can burn CDs via DOS in Windows XP with the cdburn command.

List all DLLs Loaded on a System

For computer management, software error diagnosis, or spyware or virus diagnosis, it may prove useful to display the list, size, and version of all DLLs currently loaded on a particular Windows XP machine. This can be done on the command prompt with the listdlls command, available from the SysInternals site, part of Microsoft Technet.

Change the DOS Prompt Size in a Batch File

Need to create DOS batch files in Windows XP where the prompt size is not the standard 25 lines by 80 columns? Perhaps the batch file needs to display large screens of information and extra lines are needed. Or the batch file may be deployed on a system with a large monitor that can handle 170 columns.

Burn DVDs From the Command Line

Need to make repeated copies of the same DVD? Or do you want to burn a DVD image from an .ISO file acquired via the Internet, perhaps of another operating system? Just as the cdburn command burns CDs from the Windows XP/DOS command line, the dvdburn command can be used to burn DVDs.