Category Archives: Windows XP


The idea behind AutoAdminLogon is that a user(name) can logon at a computer without having to type a password.  A typical scenario would be a test machine on a private network.  With AutoAdminLogon enabled, when you restart the machine it automatically logs on a named user.  The trick, which also its liability, is to set a value for… Read More »

Remove the low disk space warning

Probably you have seen the irritating “low on disk space”-warning before, if your hard disk reaches full capacity. This warning message can be turned off by adding the DWORD-value NoLowDiskSpaceChecks with value 1 in the following key:

Set CPU Priority

This setting gives a boost to priority of foreground applications. In very overly-simplified terms, what you see on the screen gets more attention from the CPU than what you can`t.