Category Archives: Windows Command Line


Robocopy, short for “Robust File Copy”, is a powerful command-line utility in Windows that allows you to copy or move files from one location to another. It offers a plethora of useful features and switches, making it a favorite among IT professionals.

Top Command Alternative to View Processes

Many Unix and Linux-style operating systems come with the ”top” command that, when entered, display a detailed view of every running process on the system. This command updates in real-time, so as processes start, stop, or request more memory, this information is reflected in the display.

Determining Which Services are Associated with SVCHOST

To determine which services are associated with SVCHOST (Service Host) processes in Windows, you can use several methods. Here are some approaches: This will list all svchost processes with their associated services. This will list services running under svchost.exe along with their Process IDs. These methods will help you identify which services are running under various svchost.exe processes,… Read More »


NTBACKUP Note: Limit batch file command lines to 256 characters. Exceeding this limit can stop the process without warning or result in files not being backed up. Syntaxntbackup operation path [/a][/v][/r][/d”text”][/b][/hc:{on | off}] [/t{option}][/l”filename”][/e][/tape:{n}]ParametersOperation: Specifies the operation, backup. PathIf you are backing up a drive, specifies one or more paths of the directories to be backed up.If you… Read More »