Category Archives: Windows Command Line


Robocopy, short for “Robust File Copy”, is a powerful command-line utility in Windows that allows you to copy or move files from one location to another. It offers a plethora of useful features and switches, making it a favorite among IT professionals.

Top Command Alternative to View Processes

Many Unix and Linux-style operating systems come with the ”top” command that, when entered, display a detailed view of every running process on the system. This command updates in real-time, so as processes start, stop, or request more memory, this information is reflected in the display.


NTBACKUP Note: Limit batch file command lines to 256 characters. Exceeding this limit can stop the process without warning or result in files not being backed up. Syntaxntbackup operation path [/a][/v][/r][/d”text”][/b][/hc:{on | off}] [/t{option}][/l”filename”][/e][/tape:{n}]ParametersOperation: Specifies the operation, backup. PathIf you are backing up a drive, specifies one or more paths of the directories to be backed up.If you… Read More »

MUNGE.exe (Resource Kit)

Find and Replace text within file(s) Notice that munge looks for a complete string (delimited with spaces) – it won’t match part of a string. Syntax MUNGE ScriptFile [options] FilesToMunge… Key ScriptFile : A text file containing the strings to Find & Replace FilesToMunge : One or more files to be changed (may use wildcards) Editing options -q… Read More »