Category Archives: Windows

Disable context menus for the Taskbar

Removes the context menus for the tray, including the Start button, Tab control, and Clock. (This option was added in Service Pack 2.) Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]Value Name: NoTrayContextMenuData Type: REG_DWORDData: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

How to Clean the Start Menu

The start menu of the Windows XP is populated with the number of shortcuts and newly installed programs. If you want to remove any of the programs from the start menu just right click on that program and click “Remove from this list”. The program will be removed from the start menu. Additionally, there are certain programs at… Read More »

How to Configure DNS in Windows 2003 Server

DNS or Domain Name System is a general purpose, replicated and name resolution system that resolves the host names into the IP addresses and it stores the information about your host name, domain names on your local network and on internet. The DNS translates the IP address into the domain name and domain name into the IP address.… Read More »