Category Archives: Windows

How to Create a Windows 7 Recovery Disk

In the event that something happens where Windows 7 will not start properly, it’s quite useful to have a Recovery Disc available. It can be used to solve common problems that cause Windows 7 to fail during the boot process.

Change the RDP Port

The default port that the Windows Remote Desktop Connection program listens on is 3389. However, you can change to any port you wish; maybe you find public networks block everything except port 80 and 443 (in which you could set it to 433) or you feel changing to a non-default port is better security wise.

Limit Access to Startup Keys in Registry

Your system becomes unstable because of the malware programs running in the background. You identify these programs and kill them in the Task Manager but these programs will re-appear in the Task Manager after you reboot the system. This is because these programs will run again from the below mentioned registry keys:

Windows 7 Undock PC Option Missing

For unknown reasons to some, the Undock PC Option can sometimes disappear from the start menu. Most likely it is an errant policy. But no fear! It is relatively easy to get it back. Here are the steps. To get back the Undock PC icon you need to do some work in registry. Before doing that it is… Read More »

Enable Network Discovery in Vista

Network Discovery is feature in Windows Vista and if you enable this feature, your Vista computers can see and discover other computers, other computers will be able to see this Vista computer as well. After enabling this feature, the discovered network devices will be displayed in Network Map.

Fighting the Blue Screen of Death

Windows is sometimes blamed for many things that happen when you are using your PC and they may or may not be to blame. One of the things that they are not to blame for is in answer to the question what causes beginning dump of physical memory? This question is difficult to answer.