Category Archives: Windows

Hardening Windows Server

This guide is intended to provide basic systems administration instruction for hardening “out-of-the-box” installations of Windows Server.  Even though current versions of Windows Server provides a better security model than previous versions of Windows servers, the attack surface area can be reduced further.

Living with the Surface

About one month ago, I became the proud owner of a Microsoft Surface RT. So far, I’m loving it. This seems to be contrary to the thoughts of the majority of folks in IT, but hey, I’ve always been a bit different. Having got rid of my iPad some time ago, I’ve been lugging around my Dell 6410… Read More »

Three Windows Command Prompt Replacements

I’ve been using the trusty command prompt in Windows, well, forever. Having started my life in IT as a DOS keyboard jockey, it’s been a part of my life that just won’t go away. Lately though, I’ve been looking to teach my command prompt some new tricks. Things like multi-tab interface, easier copy/paste within the window, things of… Read More »