Category Archives: Windows

Managing Sound on Windows 11

While audio devices are typically plug-and-play compatible with Windows 11, there may be occasions where you need to adjust the settings to ensure that audio plays correctly and according to your expectations, especially when dealing with different types of content.

Pros and Cons of DSC

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management tool that allows you to define and enforce the desired state of your infrastructure using declarative code. DSC is based on PowerShell and can be used to configure Windows and Linux servers, as well as cloud resources. DSC has many benefits, but also some drawbacks. In this blog post, I… Read More »

What is DSC?

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables you to manage your infrastructure and enforce your desired configuration. It allows you to declaratively specify the configuration of your servers, and then automatically ensures that your servers are in the desired state.

Connect to Network Printer via TCP/IP

Sometimes you are unable to connect to a printer via the print server. Maybe your driver is unavailable, or for some reason you may not have rights to print to that printer. You can bypass the print server, most times, and print directly to a network printer.