Category Archives: Powershell

User PowerShell to Send a Pop-up

Nothing magical here, just a little something to help get the attention of whoever is at the keyboard on a remote machine. This function will allow you to pop up a message on a LAN-connected computer.

Get a list of Wifi networks with PowerShell

Returns the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.)

PowerShell Support Matrix

Do you have trouble remember which operating system supports what version of PowerShell? This little cheat sheet will give you hand with that.

Stop Service and Wait

Very simple script that stops a service and waits for it to stop before rebooting. This script can be edited so it runs on every reboot or can be run manually to reboot.